Friday, April 30, 2010

What style of Photography Do I Identify With?

My leanings with photography are just as varied as they are with different artistic styles, as well. I love so many different eras throughout art history, that it's difficult to pinpoint my exact favorite. Yet, learning and defining my style has been difficult over the years. I know I have a "look" to how I photograph things, but I couldn't quite find another photographer who leaned towards that look that I was also trying to achieve. Then, one night, my teacher introduced me to a photographer named W. Eugene Smith. A very tormented, even a little crazy at times, photographer, in search of "truth." His photos immediately spoke to me. His torment to get the best picture in the most authentic way also spoke to me.

His images reminded me a bit of how one of my favorite artists, Edward Hopper, painted his images of very American scenes that were just ordinary scenes of daily life.

Here's a sampling of Hopper's work:

Here's a sampling of W. Eugene Smith's work:

If you'd like to learn more about these two great artists, please check them out on the web or in books. They are definitely an inspiration.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010